REMINDER: Please bring donated items to the front office/foyer Friday AM. Non-perishable items can be brought in now- Friday AM to the front office. PTO still has items needed. Please consider signing up here: https://bit.ly/MGSSoupSaladLuncheon2025

MGS Foundation Glo-Bingo tickets are still available. Purchase here: https://givebutter.com/c/MGS2025

REMINDER: The Krispy Kreme order forms and payment are due this Thursday to your student's homeroom. Order pick-up will be Thursday, Feb 13th. Email PTOdoughnuts@mgsredbirds.org with any questions.

PTO Krispy Kreme Fundraiser NOW-Thursday. Students received paper order forms from their homeroom teacher. Orders and payment must be turned in by Thursday, January 30th. Pick-up orders Thursday, Feb 13th!

MGS students competed in the school wide spelling bee today. Congratulations to our top 3 finalists! The top 2 will move on to compete at the conference spelling bee at MTHS on February 5. Good luck!

Thanks so much to the Pep Band for an awesome season! You sounded great! Special shout out to Mrs. Gregait for playing with us!

The staff favorite Soup & Salad Luncheon is quickly approaching. There are still items needed to feed nearly 100 people. Please consider signing up: https://bit.ly/MGSSoupSaladLuncheon2025 *Note if you are making a monetary contribution please turn in no later than Monday*

Reminder the Unified Redbird Online Store closes tomorrow, Friday 1/24. Please visit the following link to order your Unified Spirit Wear.

MGS Spiritwear Sale. Get your Rock n' Neon shirt for Glo-Bingo or just add to your MGS spirit wear collection! Jersey heather grey short or long sleeves with neon redbird. Available in youth and adult sizes. Paper order forms or order online here: https://givebutter.com/c/MGS2025

Unified Redbird Shirts available through the following link. The online store will close this Friday, January 24th.

The PTO is hosting a Staff Appreciation Soup & Salad Luncheon on Friday, January 31st. Please consider signing up for an item needed: https://bit.ly/MGSSoupSaladLuncheon2025

Please see the following links for the e-learning documents for 3rd and 4th grade. Click on the link for the grade level to view the document.
3rd grade e-learning document: https://5il.co/35kmh
4th grade e-learning document: https://5il.co/35kmi

MGS will have an e-Learning day tomorrow, January 21. An email with details has been sent to all parents. Thank you and be safe!

There will be no School on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. day

Announcing MGS Inclusion Week: "Every Voice Matters"
Thursday, February 6th through Friday, February 14th
Theme "Every Voice Matters" – a reminder that each individual brings a unique perspective and value to our community.
To show support, a spirit wear shirt is available for purchase through the following link. Online store open now through Friday, February 24th

Kindergarten Registration is coming up! March 10-14, 2025 from 9AM-2PM. See the flyer for more details!

Thank you Pep Band for performing at the basketball game last night. You sounded great!

MGS Foundation is still looking for event sponsors for Glo-Bingo on Friday, March 14th. Become a sponsor here: https://bit.ly/GloBingoSponsor2025

Congratulations to our 5A & 5C classroom Spelling Bee winners!! Wishing them the best at the MGS Spelling Bee on Friday, January 24th🐝!

Congratulations! 5D & 5C Classroom Bee Winners! 🐝 Best of luck at the School Bee on Jan 24th!